Genuine Professional-Grade Northern White Ash Baseball/Softball Bat

Fully Custom Genuine Pro-Grade Northern White Ash Bats
Fully Custom Genuine Pro-Grade Northern White Ash Bats
Item# geprnowhashb
Length:  Weight:  Heartwood-Upgrade?: 

Product Description

This is genuine professional grade TRUE Northern White Ash. There are a dozen different Ash species, but only true Northern White Ash is suitable for baseball bats.

Northern White Ash is the traditional wood of choice for professional players since the early 1940's. It has a very good strength-to-weight ratio. WE use only straight grain, high density wood grown in the colder northern climates of the U.S.

Average Hardness Rating: 1320 (Good)

Average Impact Strength: 43 (Good)

Average Weight: .60 (Light)